The Language Access Project
The Language Access Project (LAP) aims to address the growing need for cultural competency and language accessibility from all levels of government and public institutions, by sharing knowledge and creating space to build long-term relationships between community experts and institutional staff. Language in Practice is the first phase of this project, providing tools and advocating for systemic change within public institutions.

The project advisory committee was convened out of the C19 Response Coalition (c19help.ca), and consists of community leaders and core partner organizations who have been leading translation, interpretation, and public engagement projects with our respective communities. As racialized people, we have first-hand experience in navigating these barriers, whether as intermediaries or as service users.
What is Language in Practice?
Language in Practice is a commitment to key principles of responsiveness, resourcing, and availability. This toolkit does not define a perfect solution; every community context is different. Instead, the goal of this resource is to provide a framework and foundation for thinking through functional communications and public engagement practices that empower everyone to fully participate in society.
Our Goal
We believe in a healthy, democratic society where all people are empowered to make informed decisions regarding their  health and well-being. We believe that everyone should have equitable access to the resources provided by the institutions intended to serve us.
This project is funded by:
Canada Summer Jobs
McCall MacBain Foundation
The Law Foundation - Racial Justice Grant Fund
Canadian Race Relations Foundation - National Anti-Racism Fund
University of British Columbia Community-University Engagement Support
The Team
Hua Foundation

Christina Lee
Kevin Huang
Mimi Nguyen
Kathleen Zaragosa
Kailey Tam
Guneet Pooni
Tek Donald Duy
Project Partners & Advisory

Bảo Vệ Collective
C19 Response Coalition
Engaged Communities
Sliced Mango Collective
Tulayan UBC
Yarrow Intergenerational
Society for Justice
University of British Columbia Asian Canadian and Asian Migration Studies (ACAM)

John Paul (JP) Catungal
How to Use This Toolkit
Our team has divided this toolkit into 3 Categories: Publications, Service Delivery, and Consultation and a Policy Scan. Use these pages to reflect upon your existing engagement and communication strategies with communities and learn how you may improve your approaches with this content. Begin by selecting one of the 3 categories that is most relevant to your work. Each category is broken down into the following sections:
1. Categories: Publications, Service Delivery, Consultation
2. Policy Scan Report: San Francisco, New York City, Toronto